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Many women with large or heavy breasts feel self-conscious and unattractive. Large breasts may also interfere with normal daily activities and exercise, and cause discomfort.

If you feel that your breasts are too large or heavy, then you might consider breast reduction surgery. Breasts that are disproportionately large can cause pain in your back, shoulders or neck, breathing difficulties, poor posture and chafing under your breasts.

Dr. Proffer will listen to your concerns and help you decide on the best approach to your problem. After breast reduction surgery, you can expect to have an improved body image and improvement from health problems associated with excessively large breasts.

Breast reduction is done under general anesthesia. Incisions are made around the pigmented area (the nipple-areolar complex) and extend vertically below the nipple and in the fold under the breasts. The nipple-areolar complex is moved upward to the desired location, while excess breast tissue, skin, and fat are removed.  

The incisions are covered with light dressings and the breasts are placed into a temporary post-surgical wrap. The wrap holds the breasts symmetrically during initial healing.

Two days later, the patient is placed into a comfortable sports bra. Initial discomfort subsides daily and can be controlled easily with oral pain medication. Scars usually fade in about 6-12 months. The specific risks and suitability of breast reduction for a patient can be determined only at the time of consultation with Dr. Proffer.

If you are planning on having more children, and/or breastfeeding, it is crucial to know the potential effects of surgery. Also depending on your symptoms, breast reduction surgery may often be an insurance-covered procedure.

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