When age, your lifestyle, or hormonal changes impact your ability to have sex, it can leave you feeling frustrated, embarrassed, and insecure.
At Matrix Age Management, we believe everyone deserves to have great sex – no matter your age or stage of life. Our Sexual Vitality treatments are designed to address your specific problem areas and improve the quality of your sex life. *You do not need to be a Matrix patient to receive these treatments.
Whether you struggle with erectile dysfunction, incontinence, decreased lubrication, or the inability to climax — or you just want to enhance your sex life — our proven treatments can help you regain your confidence and have sex that satisfies both you and your partner.
P-SHOT FOR MENRevitalize your sex life with P-Shot Therapy When you struggle to get and maintain an erection, it can impact more than just your sex life. Performance problems can make you feel defeated and hopeless. They can even make you feel emasculated. But this isn’t something you have to live with. Priapus (P) Shots can help you revitalize your sex life, renew your confidence, and satisfy both your partner and yourself. The P-Shot is a cutting-edge technique that enhances sexual function and has long-lasting results. This non-surgical, in-office procedure involves injecting a patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into precise areas of the penis. PRP delivers growth factors and stems cells right where they are needed to rejuvenate the penis without medications. The P-Shot procedure is done in the comfort and privacy of the Matrix Age Management office. It can be used by itself or in conjunction with GAINSWave therapy to maximize your results. Additionally, we provide numbing treatments or handheld nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to make the procedure as painless as possible. *You do not have to be a Matrix patient to receive this treatment.
HORMONE OPTIMIZATION FOR MENFeel like yourself again with Hormone Optimization When you don’t feel like yourself, the last thing you may think to check is your hormones. Yet your hormones are responsible for hundreds of processes within your body, including your metabolism, sleep, mood, and stress induction. So when your hormones are out of balance, it can cause problems throughout your body. You may feel fatigued and weak. You may experience mood swings. You might even notice a drop in your libido or a spike in your weight. Fortunately, hormone optimization restores your body’s natural harmony, helping you feel like yourself again. You may experience more energy levels, a better overall mood, improved athletic performance, and weight loss. Could hormones be the cause of your 3 o’clock rut? Schedule a consultation to find out! Bio-Indentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Balance your hormones—naturally. Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones your body creates. Because of this, the body can’t tell the difference between your natural hormones and the bio-identical ones. You’ll experience all the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the side effects commonly associated with synthetic treatments. It’s a perfect treatment option for women struggling with the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause or men struggling with hormone fluctuations as a result of aging. It comes in multiple forms, including: √ Creams √ Injections √ Gels √ Lotions √ Tablets √ Testosterone pellets
DIVA FOR WOMENRestore your sexual health with DiVa® Vaginal Laser Therapy As a woman, your sexual health has a significant impact on your self-confidence. Life events such as childbirth and menopause can adversely impact your vaginal laxity. Hormone fluctuations and the stress of childbirth can cause your tissue to become stretched, thinned, and dry, which can make sex uncomfortable and painful. DiVa®is a revolutionary laser resurfacing procedure that improves vaginal tissue. The laser delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths that cleanse tissue. It is completely safe and effective, and the process takes an average of three to five minutes. DiVa® treatment is ideal for women of all ages, such as those in their 30s and 40s recovering from childbirth, and those in their 40s, 50s, and 60s undergoing menopause. It can help you experience more satisfying sex by: √ Repairing damaged tissue √ Tightening stretched skin √ Increasing natural lubrication √ Improving quality and frequency of orgasms *You do not have to be a Matrix Age Management patient to receive treatments.
BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR WOMENFeel like yourself again with Hormone Optimization When you don’t feel like yourself, the last thing you may think to check is your hormones. Yet your hormones are responsible for hundreds of processes within your body, including your metabolism, sleep, mood, and stress induction. So when your hormones are out of balance, it can cause problems throughout your body. You may feel fatigued and weak. You may experience mood swings. You might even notice a drop in your libido or a spike in your weight. Fortunately, hormone optimization restores your body’s natural harmony, helping you feel like yourself again. You may experience more energy levels, a better overall mood, improved athletic performance, and weight loss. Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to the hormones your body creates. Because of this, the body can’t tell the difference between your natural hormones and the bio-identical ones. You’ll experience all the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the side effects commonly associated with synthetic treatments. It’s a perfect treatment option for women struggling with the symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause or men struggling with hormone fluctuations as a result of aging. It comes in multiple forms, including: √ Creams √ Injections √ Gels √ Lotions √ Tablets √ Testosterone pellets Could hormones be the cause of your 3 o’clock rut? Schedule a consultation to find out!
O-SHOT FOR WOMENEnjoy sex again with the O-Shot A number of factors can negatively impact your sex life. Incontinence. The inability to climax. Decreased lubrication. Whatever the reason, when something prevents you from truly enjoying sex, it can make you feel inadequate and insecure. The O-Shot is a non-surgical treatment that will enhance your sex life, and give you a renewed sense of confidence and self. The shot injects platelets of your blood, which contain high quality platelet rich plasma (PRP), into the vaginal tissue. PRP stimulates stem cells to grow healthy vaginal tissue. The O-Shot Addresses: √ Decreased libido √ Stress-related urinary incontinence √ Decreased ability to orgasm √ Problems with the mucous membranes (i.e. lichen sclerosus and lichen planus) √ Postpartum fecal incontinence √ Chronic pain from childbirth trauma, such as scarring √ Chronic pain from meshes The procedure is privately performed in the comfort of Matrix Age Management and the entire treatment takes less than an hour. *You do not have to be a Matrix patient to receive this treatment.
BPC-157BPC 157 has been demonstrated to accelerate the healing of many different wounds, including tendon-to-bone healing and superior healing of damaged ligaments. It helps protect organs and aids in the prevention of gastric ulcers. If you suffer from discomfort from muscle sprains, tears, skin burns, or gut problems, this peptide could provide relief.
PT-141It’s estimated that as many as 30 million men and 43% of women suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. For years, Viagra was the only treatment available for sexual dysfunction. Today, PT-141 effectively boosts sexual satisfaction for both men and women. PT-141 targets the nervous system rather than the vascular system, often making it more effective than other forms of medication. PT-141 is 80% effective for the treatment of ED in men who don’t respond to Viagra or Cialis. For women, it increases sexual satisfaction by 50%.
CJC 1295 + IPAMORELINThis peptide combo acts as a Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH), helping your body burn more calories and build more muscle. Unlike other GHRHs, Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 don’t release problem-causing hormones that contribute to stress and anxiety, like cortisol, acetylcholine, prolactin, or aldosterone. As a result, the peptides are a safer and more effective alternative. The combination allows for a maximized release of growth hormones because CJC 1295 and Ipamorelin have different mechanisms of action and work on different receptors. It is one of the top choices for individuals who struggle to lose weight.
THYMOSIN ALPHA 1If your immune system needs a boost, Thymosin Alpha 1 (TA1) could be right for you. TA1 is responsible for restoring and modulating immune function. It is widely used and studied for the treatment of multiple types of cancer and viral illnesses. Some physicians use TA1 to help with chronic fatigue and Lyme disease as well. TA1 is a quick-working peptide. It’s rapidly absorbed, achieving peak serum concentrations within just two hours. Studies have shown that TA1 also helps with bone healing, nerve healing, ligament and tendon healing, and reduced inflammation.
TESAMORELINTesamorelin is a GHRH that increases insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels in men and women. IGF-1 is a hormone that helps promote normal bone and tissue growth. By increasing this hormone production, Tesamorelin builds muscle, aids in weight loss, and strengthens your bones. Tesamorelin can also help improve cognitive function for healthy seniors and patients with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease due to mild cognitive impairment. It has a number of other benefits, including reducing triglycerides, the thickness of your arteries, fat tissue deposits, and proteins released during inflammation.
THYMOSIN BETA 4Similar to Thymosin Alpha 1, Thymosin Beta 4 is derived from thymosin, a hormone responsible for regulating the immune system and tissue repair. It is often prescribed for acute injury, surgical repair, and patients that were once athletes that accumulated injury over their lifetime. Thymosin Beta 4 has been studied for its benefits in tissue healing and repair. It calms muscle spasms, improves muscle tone, encourages tissue repair, reduces inflammation in the joints, encourages the growth of new blood cells in tissue, and increases your strength and endurance.